Access Technology Trainer Certification Course (Train the Trainer)

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This Trainer Certification Course is open to students worldwide as long as they can meet the class requirements

Courses begins the first week of each month. To register, contact ATI (

Links to information on this page

Trainer Certification Course Information

Teaching Access Technology to blind and visually-impaired individuals is a rewarding profession. Many access technology specialists rely on manuals and keyboard reference cards. This is frustrating for both the student and instructor.

Through a series of demanding and intensive immersions, trainers learn the difference between the operating system and the screen readers and are able to communicate concepts to students who have never heard the words — menu, combo box, property sheet, etc.

Trainers also learn the language of the screen readers and the capabilities of screen readers in a variety of applications.

These courses give trainers the skills necessary to provide premier instruction in the use of access technology.

These demanding courses require twice weekly live, voice-chat sessions.

Training Components

Trainers may sign up for as many courses as desired; however, Windows is mandatory. Please email to enroll.

Students who complete all components receive a certification , lifetime support and continuing education.

  • Windows 11 (5 weeks)
  • JAWS for Windows 2022 (4 weeks)
  • NVDA (3 weeks)
  • Microsoft Edge (4 weeks)
  • Microsoft Outlook 365 (5 weeks)
  • Microsoft Word 365 (5 weeks)
  • Microsoft Excel 365 (4 weeks)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 365 (3.5 weeks)
  • Microsoft OneNote (4 weeks)
  • WordPress (4 weeks)
  • Class Preparation (4 weeks)
  • Class Presentation (4 weeks)

Training Course Tuition

There are ten training course components. Each training course component (listed above) is $3850.00 all inclusive for a total of $46,200.00.

Class Schedules and Included Materials

Session begin the first week of each month. Classes meet twice a week at an agreed upon time for student and trainer.  Class duration may vary.

  • Two recorded lessons per week
  • Two live voice-chat lessons per week
  • Unlimited email support
  • One weekly test due at midnight Sunday/Monday

Continuing Education

Students who participate in and complete all eight components with a grade of 80% or better receive graduate services. Graduate services include:

  • All ATI Textbooks
  • Continuing education
  • Unlimited support

Participation Requirements and Refund Policy

Participation and a positive attitude toward the training are requirements for continued enrollment in the training course.

Enrollment is not a guarantee of graduation.

Students are expected to know the course material and be able to communicate the skills effectively.  Students are expected to comply with the ATI Student Guidelines.

Only those truly interested in succeeding as an Access Technology Trainer should consider enrolling in this course. The coursework is demanding and the time commitment on the part of the student is significant.

Students who receive an 80% or better on all tests and who attend class regularly receive Access Technology Institute Trainer Certification.

Students maintain the right to withdraw from the training course at any time.  ATI maintains the right to refuse training to anyone.

ATI does not refund tuition fees

Contact ATI

To learn more about the training course or enroll, please contact:

CathyAnne Murtha
Phone: (480) 331-3359

ATI Disclaimer

Access Technology Institute, LLC is a private organization and not accredited or recognized by any government agency, public, or private organization. We offer certification based solely upon completion of our course of study.

Some government agencies or institutions may not accept our certification. It is the responsibility of the student to confirm certification acceptance prior to enrollment. Access Technology Institute, LLC does not act as an employment agency and cannot give assurance that its graduates will automatically obtain pay raises or employment.

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